Sunday 28 October 2012

German Shepherd Line Drawing Development

My apologies for a very sporadic couple of months, I've been pretty busy being back at University, studying Auto Design, so it's taken a bit of a priority. Actually, that's a lie, FIFA13 and beer have taken the priority, much to my anguish now my first deadline is looming.

Though this post isn't automotive, in fact, it's not even design, it's a nice little colour line art study to support some of my clay sculptures that I'm currently working with until November. If anyone is in fact interested, this is my dog, Rocky.

Hopefully, once I've settled a little with my uni based work, I can start adding that to my online portfolio here and my posts might even become regular! Give it another couple of weeks or so and I'll be back online a little more.

Saturday 27 October 2012

BlueSky thinking

So, nothing from me in a few weeks, back at Uni you see... here's a little something from my work last semester to get the ball rolling this year... (it's a Scirocco cabrio...)