Thursday 27 December 2012

67 Mustang Fastback GTA

Another tablet sketch - this time it is drawn with a cool present from my girlfriend in front of me: a fantastic replica model of a '67 Mustang Fastback GTA (cooooooor...)

The sketch isn't superb, but that's what it is, a little observation sketch at a tricky angle, again, just for a little more practice with my lovely new tablet!

Tuesday 25 December 2012

Ford Taurus SHO tablet sketch

Got a wonderful tablet for Christmas from my Dad, and I've been saying for yonks that my sketching would be a million times better working digitally with one... So here's my first little sketch (it is in fact a trace to get my hand in) of a Taurus SHO, It's an american car, but I am a fan of the front end.
In any case, expect plenty more sketching from me - New Year's resolution: Page of Sketches a day. Hopefully this time next year, I'll be way ahead of where I am now just on the sketching front while my course is focusing on 3D modelling and research projects...!