Thursday 27 September 2012

Chilled Driving Tuition Citroen DS3

This is the car I learnt to drive in, and I gave this print to my instructor as a little gift to say thanks. It's dated for a good few weeks ago, but I've kept it off my blog just in case he managed to chance across it!

This is also something of a plug for Chilled Driving Tuition: definitely have my recommendation, if you're in the Norwich, Norfolk area.

Various sketches with a marker render a few biro drawings, finished in PS and printed as an A3 poster.
This is also my first proper collection of a selection of sketches.

Saturday 22 September 2012

Willys Jeep3

In all honestly, I'm quite disappointed with this design. The initial sketches and mini brief I gave myself were for a totally utilitarian vehicle: four off-road tyres, two hard and uncomfortable seats, a dashboard with just a tacho and somewhere for the key to go in, and a loading bed for tents or barrels... or machine guns if the army want it back!

This has turned into a big fat off roader with leather seats... and seatbelts!
Here's the old one too, I kept this close by so I didn't stray too far (didn't work as well as I'd hoped)
Because it's not what I had initially wanted I'm not fond of the design on most levels. The grille is too overpowering and the car is too short: in this state, I think it is too similar to the Jeep Wrangler or the Land Rover Defender. This should be totally unique, maybe I should have a little revision, and roughen it up around the edges a little. Or, at a stretch, it could always be a Wrangler variant? Barely seems worth it in that case.

Friday 7 September 2012

2013 Chevrolet Bel Air

I'm quite pleased with this beauty... I know the sketch render is not perfect, but I like the style... though it doesn't necessarily match up with the photoshop studio I've popped it in... In any case, I think this has been quite successful, from biro sketch to this... I might follow up with a full PS render, if I can find the time over the next week (moving house, you see, back to Coventry University, ready to resume my studies)

The design has a few throwbacks to the classic models, throughout its generations, but the most obvious being the MkIII's two tone chrome profile.

Rivals being the Audi S7, BMW 7 Series, Merc S-Class, that sort of market. I'd have one. First design on my own that I would.

Thursday 6 September 2012

Chevrolet Bel Air

Definitely fair to say that since everyone is out and I am left to my own devices for most of the day now, I have become quite productive... Here's another little idea of mine - the revival concept of the classic 50's Bel Air (not worth a mention after the MkIII) Simply couldn't lose that wonderful two tone.

Something akin to the Maybach in terms of passenger luxury, possibly?

Wednesday 5 September 2012

Alfa Romeo Dakar

Back to a little bit of sketching now ... This Alfa Romeo Dakar Concept was thrown together looking at some of Alfa's older cars, the newer Brera and, of course, the mean beasties of the Dakar Rally.

Monday 3 September 2012

Gemini Roadster

This fella is a Steampunk style car (I know steampunk is well overdone!) but I thought I'd have a little play with the style, and also with a couple of the techniques I used in the sketching and rendering of this little car. Consider it more an exercise in design than an actual piece of aesthetic design. It's very much a 'Bits of' car.

The sketch on which this is based is from August 5th. This piece didn't take the last month, more that I put it aside and only in the last day or so came back to it to finish it up.

Sunday 2 September 2012

Mercedes K Class

Front render of my K Class as promised...went back to my preferred photo-style when it comes to photoshop, since I'm just not quite at the level of being able to produce some of the fantastic artwork I've seen from colleagues.

Saturday 1 September 2012

Mercedes K Class

Been thinking about a smaller M-Class variant for Mercedes, a little like the old Suzuki Jimnys or Vitara, that sort of segment, so here's my K-Class micro-SUV concept, after a few pages of pen sketches... Still not 100% on the front but I'll be working on the front quarter render this week. "K" being Klein(wagen), meaning small car; the idea being a small diesel engine with big Merc styling.

This is in fact my first full render without using another chassis to work on top of, hence some slightly odd proportions, perhaps, but I certainly need to do this more to keep work original.

Also... I need a tablet, all of this has been done with a laptop touchpad, so it's a little scruffy: however I think I'll take a slightly more photographic approach for the front quarter render.