Saturday 1 September 2012

Mercedes K Class

Been thinking about a smaller M-Class variant for Mercedes, a little like the old Suzuki Jimnys or Vitara, that sort of segment, so here's my K-Class micro-SUV concept, after a few pages of pen sketches... Still not 100% on the front but I'll be working on the front quarter render this week. "K" being Klein(wagen), meaning small car; the idea being a small diesel engine with big Merc styling.

This is in fact my first full render without using another chassis to work on top of, hence some slightly odd proportions, perhaps, but I certainly need to do this more to keep work original.

Also... I need a tablet, all of this has been done with a laptop touchpad, so it's a little scruffy: however I think I'll take a slightly more photographic approach for the front quarter render.

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